A weekly program for seniors wanting to maintain a sharp mind and healthy body.
Join our readers club via Zoom on the third Wednesday of every month. Connect with others and some great books!
Mah Jongg Game Days continue every Monday at the Village in Northridge! Free to VJCC Members.
Be a part of a lively discussion on the topics of the day via Zoom!
Enjoy fun arts and crafts with your children this year with Valley JCC’s extra special Hanukkah Arts & Crafts Box! These holiday boxes are created for children ages 2-8 years, pre-order this box filled with holiday crafts such as perler beads, shames making, menorah decorating, a dreidel game and more! There are only a limited amount of boxes this year, so pre-order yours today. *a special giveaway from Mensch on the Bench as seen on Sharktank. Price per box: $25
A Special Story From Mensch on a Bench