• Jan
    Table Tennis for Seniors

    A weekly program for seniors wanting to maintain a sharp mind and healthy body.

  • Jan
    Readers Club

    Join our readers club via Zoom on the third Wednesday of every month. Connect with others and some great books!

  • Jan
    Mah Jongg Game Day

    Mah Jongg Game Days continue every Monday at the Village in Northridge! Free to VJCC Members.

  • Jan
    Current Events Discussion Group

    Be a part of a lively discussion on the topics of the day via Zoom!

Inspiration – April 15, 2020

Along with a Daily Dose of Inspiration we now have a “Daily Dose of Sunshine”

Congrats to the Ravid Family on their new addition! Welcome Liana to our family

Let us all take heart that new life means new hope, new life means a bright future. Look at that smile and ray of sunshine.

We can all come through this hard time if we stay together as a family

“Feeling Good with Dr. Paul”

During this time of uneasiness, stress and tension we have to take the time to look inside ourselves and discover the essence of who we are. To do that one must eliminate all the noise (if that is possible not knowing what’s coming next) and focus on yourself…then those in need… then your family…then friends.
Calming ones emotions and energy, focusing on ONE thing and doing that while your mind and body are going bonkers will be challenging. 
We Have the Answer!
Spend the next 8 minutes today with video one from our famed Psychologist Dr. Paul Hannig.
Watch it HERE.
Then later tonight click on video two and spend a wonderful 26 minutes in peaceful harmony.
Watch the second video HERE.

Visit Dr. Pauls website PsychotherapyHELP.

“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” – Unknown

True words are eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true.
Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise. The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others, the happier he is. The more he gives to others the wealthier he is.
One nourishes by not forcing. One nourishes by not dominating.
One nourishes by leading.
The Tao