• Feb
    Mah Jongg Game Day

    Mah Jongg Game Days continue every Monday at the Village in Northridge! Free to VJCC Members.

  • Feb
    Dining Out with the JCC at Hummus Bar and Grill

    Come schmooze with friends and make new ones at our next Dining Out event at Hummus Bar and Grill in Tarzana!

  • Feb
    Table Tennis for Seniors

    A weekly program for seniors wanting to maintain a sharp mind and healthy body.

  • Feb
    Readers Club

    Join our readers club via Zoom on the third Wednesday of every month. Connect with others and some great books!

Fall Sports Clinics

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent 1 Name*
Parent 2 Name
Primary Policy Holder Name*
Emergency Contact Name*
Please select which options you would like to register for.
Sport Choice*
Age Group*
Please Select Your Session Choice(s)
(If you're selecting "All 8 Sessions" you don't need to select any of the others.)
Price: $15.00
Includes selections above and a 3% processing fee.
Credit Card
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date
Billing Address*
PARENT PERMISSION FORM, LIABILITY WAIVER AND RELEASE, AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MEDICAL/DENTAL TREATMENT I understand that participation in the VJCC/Eclipse basketball camp involves risk and dangers of serious and permanent bodily injury and death. I hereby release, hold harmless, discharge and agree not to sue Eclipse basketball, Ben Yeger, the VJCC, all their affiliates and DBA, all directors, officers, employees, coaches, officials, volunteers, owners/leasers of premises for and from all liability from my participation in and with these and any other related travel, lodging, social and recreational activities. I also understand Eclipse basketball retains the right to use for publicity and advertising, photographs and video taken of the participants. I have given my son/daughter permission to participate in the VJCC/Eclipse Basketball events, and I certify that he is in good health, has been cleared by a physician and can take part in all physical activities not limited to, but including training, practices, and games. I am aware that my son/daughter may become injured. If an injury occurs, I authorize the staff members to take any action and use the emergency service available at the nearest hospital if necessary. I understand my personal insurance will be used in this case. In case of an emergency, I authorize the personnel to take action.
By typing your name below you are indicating you have read the above Parent Permission form, liability waiver, and release.
Medical Release**
Player Name*
By typing your name below you are indicating you have read the above Parent Permission form, liability waiver, and release.
Parents Code of Conduct**

Please click the submit button only once to avoid duplicate charges / submissions. Sometimes it takes a minute or two to process.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.