Terrific Tastings: Let’s Go Nuts!
Sun, Dec 6
2-3:30pm (PST) on Zoom

Get some crackers, slice some apples, pour some sparkling wine & join us for a live, online, guided nut butter tasting with a special guest! Working out of their homes and a small, shared production kitchen in Berkeley, CA, the Artisana Organics founders started by selling almonds & almond butter. Their offerings grew to include raw, organic butters made of cashews, walnuts, pecans & coconut, plus unique blends of macadamia nuts/coconut and hemp/brazil nuts. Join us for this interesting discussion and for this fun & surprising guided tasting, taking us well beyond a traditional PB&J!

Artisana products are appropriate for organic, vegan, raw, paleo, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO & keto culinary practices.

Whether to put a twist on your meals, into your holiday baking/gifting, onto a nosh tray, or simply enjoying them on bread/toast, leave the world aside and come join in this “nutty” experience!

Order soon! Tasting Collection sales end when our curated collections are sold out or on Sat, Nov 21, whichever comes first. 

We hope to see you at the tasting!

For details & tickets, click here:

LINK TO: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/terrific-tastings-lets-go-nuts-tickets-121865558165?aff=ValleyJCC